Association for CellAg Cell Engineering Research Advancement (ACCELLERA) - New Member Form
This form is designed to easily automate email invitations for the new ACCELLERA Slack workspace, and to gather information from researchers who are interested in CellAg Cell Line Engineering topics, so as to make ACCELLERA as useful an initiative as possible for everyone.

Please feel free to forward this form to others in your institute or networks that you think may be interested!

Except where otherwise stated, the information and answers in this form are visible only to Dr. Joshua Flack ( Please fill out this form as fully as you feel comfortable with. Feel free to contact Josh with any questions or concerns!

Once you accept the invitation, your email address will be shared with other members of ACCELLERA via the slack workspace. You will be contacted for permission before your email is displayed anywhere publicly (for example on a future ACCELLERA website).

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Email *
What is your name? Your name will be included in your profile when you sign up for the slack workspace. *
What is your job title and affiliation? You are encouraged to share this information in your slack profile for transparency. This information will not be displayed anywhere publicly. *
What type of institute(s) are you affiliated with? Please select all that apply. *
Is your work related to Cell Line Development/Engineering for Cellular Agriculture applications, or are you interested in starting work in this area? If you answer no or not sure, you may be contacted to discuss. *
Which of the following aspects of ACCELLERA do you anticipate finding useful or interesting? Please select all that apply, and state any others!
Which of the following types of cells/cell lines are you interested in? Tick all that apply, and please state others.
Which of the following methods are you interested in? Tick all that apply, and please state others.
Which of the following species are you interested in? Tick all that apply, and please state others.
Would you be happy to pay a (very small) membership fee to cover ACCELLERA slack, website and seminar hosting costs? Please note any thoughts you have on this topic.
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Would you consider being involved in the organization/administration of ACCELLERA? For example, chairing online seminars or being an admin on the slack workspace. Answering yes does not constitute any sort of commitment at this stage, Josh will get in touch with you to discuss!
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