Ms. Austin Eagle 2024 Contestant Rules and Application
Dates: October 25-27, 2024
Location: Austin Eagle, 8201 Crosspark Drive B1/B2, Austin, TX 78754

Email *
Requirements and Expectations of Ms. Austin Eagle 2024:
* Gay/bisexual/queer female or female-identified individual 21 years or older as of October 25-27, 2024
* Be a resident of Austin, Texas (within 50 miles of 78754)
* Compete in leather
* Provide two high-resolution pictures
* Pay $25 application fee on day of contest

* To promote the Ms. Eagle Austin contest locally, statewide, nationally, and/or internationally when possible
* To make a minimum of three (6) public appearances as Ms. Austin Eagle at events leather, fetish, or LGBTQ+ related in the state of Texas during their title year
* To attend and assist in the next Austin Kink Weekend and Mr/Ms Austin Eagle Contest
* To maintain good standing in the community by presenting herself with integrity
* Maintain a high level of professionalism while wearing contest sash, back patch, and/or other title affiliated attire (ex: avoid excessive intoxication, no inappropriate public nudity, etc)
* To NOT create or promote a competing contest/weekend event without the consent of The Austin Eagle and the Texas Leather Contest
Contestants will be scored on how well they represent themselves in their application, the judges’ interview,  social events, fantasy scene, pop question and formal presentation, and leather outfits. On stage they will be judged with regard to stage presence, personality, their interpretation of leather, and grooming.
 Contest Categories:
* Application 
* Judges’ Interview
* Contestant's interpretation of street wear
* Social dynamics at Austin Eagle Weekend
* Contestant’s Fantasy scene
* Contestant’s interpretation of formal leather 
* 1-½ minute speech to the community (points deducted after 2 min)
Contestants will be judged on the aforementioned categories by a panel of judges. Points awarded by the judges will be added together for each contestant, and the contestant with the cumulative highest number of points will be declared the winner. The contestant with the second-highest score will be the runner-up. For the sake of score calculation, all scores will be counted and no scores will be dropped.     In the event of a tie, category scores will be utilized and the highest score total will determine the winner.  The speech category will determine the winner of the tie, followed by judges interview, followed by fantasy scene, street wear, and then application.   

Contestant Application Ms. Austin Eagle 2024
Due Date: October 15, 2024
All applications are due by midnight on October 15, 2024.
Legal Name *
Stage / Scene Name *
Which name do you prefer for contest and recognition? *
Street Address *
Street Address Suite / Apt
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Secondary Phone
Email *
Date of Birth *
Please number list community organizations and charities you have been involved with. Include Your position and how long, contact person, phone/email and number of years involved (e.g. 2019-2024) *
List current and previous titles and years:
How did you come into the leather, S/M, fetish, kink community and how long have you been involved?   (1,000 characters or less) *
Why do you want to be Ms Austin Eagle?
(Must be able to be read in 15 to 30 seconds) 
Being Ms Austin Eagle requires a lot of time, and lot of travel. If you become Ms Austin Eagle how will you integrate the necessary commitments of the title with your other life responsibilities?
(1,000 characters or less)
Write a 280 character (This includes spaces and punctuation) tweet describing what you would look for if you were looking for a date.
Is there any additional information you would like the judges to know?
(1,000 characters or less)
Have you ever been arrested, convicted, or indicted of a felony or crime involving fraud, deception, or any criminal activity? NOTE: "YES" does not disqualify application *
If yes, explain
Disclaimer and Release of Liability:
In consideration of this contest entry to the owners (Austin Eagle, LLC) of the contest (Ms. Austin Eagle), I waive and release its owners and producers from any and all demands, actions, and claims of injury or damage to my person, property, reputation, cost, expense, attorney’s fees, or penalties that may arise either now or in the future in connection with my appearance in the Ms. Austin Eagle contest. I hereby grant permission to use my stage/scene name or real name (whichever is preferable) in connection with any publicity related to the Ms. Austin Eagle contest. The owners retain ownership of the title insignia, sash and any other official equipment or clothing items expressly loaned for use during the title year and any items loaned must be surrendered to the Austin Eagle, LLC upon request or at the end of the title year. The owner is not obligated to make restitution for any surrendered items. I agree to provide appropriate restitution for any loaned items that become damaged or lost due to my negligence.

By my electronic signature below, I hereby state that I have read and understand the above disclaimer.

I certify that:

All of the information that I have supplied on this application is true and correct;
I am 21 years-of-age or older;
I meet all of the qualifications specified in the attached contest requirements statement;
I agree to endeavor to meet all of the expectations of the contest in the attached expectations statement with the utmost integrity should I win;
I have read, signed, and attached the photographic release statement, and;
I have provided a photocopy of my driver’s license or passport showing my age and address to contest producers.

Contestant Digital Signature *
Agreed to Disclaimer & Release above on the date of *
All contestants are required to arrive and check-in at the Austin Eagle no later than 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 25 where contestant order will be determined.  Contestant's Interview and Bar Wear Category will be judged beginning at 10:00 AM on Saturday, September 16 at the Austin Eagle.   Contestants should arrive to the Austin Eagle prior to 11 a.m. on Sunday, October 27, 2024
Contestant Photographic Release Form Ms. Austin Eagle 2024
Dates: September 25-27, 2024
Location: Austin Eagle, 8201 Crosspark Drive, Austin, TX 78754

I, the undersigned, hereby grant the owners of the Ms. Austin Eagle contest (Austin Eagle, LLC), the exclusive rights and permission to own, print, reprint, or broadcast any and all photos taken of me and my likeness during this contest, or regional or international contest associated with my participation in this contest. This may include any rehearsal, photographic modeling sessions, receptions, or any other related events. These shall remain the property of the Ms. Austin Eagle contest with my implied permission for use for any purpose whatsoever in any media or context.

I agree, if asked to do so, to participate in a photo modeling session arranged by the contest owners. Photos may be used exclusively in advertisements or promotion of the contest. I further understand that I will not be compensated for these photos. 

I hereby release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless the owners of Austin Eagle Contest or its agents from liability or claim arising from the publication, distribution, broadcast, or use of any images of me or my likeness in publication, distribution, or broadcast.

I certify that I am 21 years-of-age or older, and that I have read and understand this release form in its entirety before signing it. Furthermore, I have attached/emailed 2 photographs to be used for publicity as well as a photocopy of my current driver’s license or passport which will be used for identification purposes only and will not be published.

Full Legal Name *
Digital Signature *
Agreed to Contestant Photographic Release Form on the date of *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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