Questions for heat pump and solar heating users
Your answers to these questions will, together with answers from users all over Europe, show how satisfied users are with heat pumps and solar heaters. We hope with the answers to understand what can motivate more people to choose clean heating alternatives. The survey is made on behalf of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) as part of activities to limit climate change.

The survey takes approximately 5 minutes.

Your reply is anonymous; we are not collecting any information that can trace you.

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1/17. Where do you live? (Choose a country) *
2/17. I am answering this survey for... *
3/17. What source of heating did you have before moving to Heat Pump? *
4/17. Is your Heat Pump combined with another technology? Please select all that apply. *
5/17. Is the building/flat supplied with cooling? *
6/17. Is the building/flat supplied with forced ventilation? *
7/17. Is your home well insulated, compared to the other ones in your area, according to you? *
8/17. What type of Heat Pump do you use? *
9/17. When did you install your heat pump? *
10/17. When you installed the Heat Pump... *
11/17. Overall, how satisfied are you with your Heat Pump? *
12/17. Did your heating comfort improve after you installed a Heat Pump? *
13/17. What room temperature do you keep during winter? *
14/17. Is your electricity supply from renewable energy? *
15/17. Compared to your previous situation, on a yearly basis to heat your home you now spend... *
16/17. What was your main reason for choosing a heat pump? *
17/17. Would you suggest to your neighbours to switch to Heat Pump? *
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