TEDxFergana Presidential school youth

🌟 Join Us for an Inspiring Experience at TEDxFerPS! 🌟

TEDxFerPS is a day dedicated to sharing powerful ideas, fostering meaningful connections, and sparking transformative conversations. At our event, you'll hear from diverse speakers who will challenge your thinking, inspire creativity, and ignite your passion for making a difference.

By joining our audience, you'll:

  • Engage with innovative ideas across [themes/topics of the event].
  • Connect with a community of curious, like-minded individuals.
  • Be part of the global TEDx movement, where ideas are shared to shape a better world.

Seats are limited, so take this opportunity to be part of something extraordinary. Apply now and secure your place at TEDxFerPS!

Email *
Full name
*To'liq ism* 
Date of birth
*Tug'ilgan sana * 
Telegram username
Where do you live ?
*Qayerda yashaysiz ? *
Occupation/Field of study :
*Kasbingiz/ Yo'nalishingiz * 
Have you attended a TEDx event before?
*Oldin TEDx tadbirlariga qatnashganmisiz ? *
Why do you want to attend this TEDx event? (50-70 words)
*Nima uchun TEDx tadbiriga qatnashganmisiz ? *
Which topics are you most interested in?
* Qaysi mavzularga qiziqasiz ? *
What are you hoping to gain from this event ?(50-70 words)
* Bu tadbirdan nimalar kutyabsiz ? *
  The participation fee for TEDxFerPS is 39 000 sum. This fee includes access to all sessions, refreshments, and event materials. Do you acknowledge and agree to this payment?  
* TEDxFergana Presidential school qatnashish narxi 39 000 so'm. Bu to'lov barcha tadbir xarajatlari ( sertifikat, tadbir materiallari, va oziq ovqatlar) uchun ishlatilinadi 
Anything else you'd like us to know ?
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