Faith Formation Registration Form
Please sign up for 2020-2021 Faith Formation program.  Due to our current Phase (phase 4), we will be offering at home family catechesis with sacramental prep classes meeting in person once a month.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennie at
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Child Data
#1 Child Name (first and last name) *
#1 Child Grade *
#1 Child Date of Birth *
#1 Child Sacraments Received *
#1 Child: List Medical Information about Child (allergies, medications, disabilities, dietary needs, glasses, other important commentary)
#2 Child Name (first and last name)
#2 Child Grade
#2 Child Date of Birth
#2 Child Sacraments Received
#2 Child: List Medical Information about Child (allergies, medications, disabilities, dietary needs, glasses, other important commentary)
#3 Child Name (fist and last name)
#3 Child Grade
#3 Child Date of Birth
#3 Child Sacraments Received
#3 Child: List Medical Information about Child (allergies, medications, disabilities, dietary needs, glasses, other important commentary)
#4 Child Name (first and last name)
#4 Child Grade
#4 Child Date of Birth
#4 Child Sacraments Received
#4 Child: List Medical Information about Child (allergies, medications, disabilities, dietary needs, glasses, other important commentary)
 Parents Data
Name of Father
email address
Name of Mother
Address (if different from above)
email address
Child lives with
Emergency Contact
Please list someone, other than a parent, who we can contact in case of an emergency and are unable to contact a parent.
Name *
Telephone *
Relationship to child *
We are meant to live our faith in a community.  We will be grouping families in to small groups to meet during the school year while in person learning for eveyone is not an option.  We are hoping families will meet once a month (more if the group desires to).  How would you prefer to meet with 2-3 other families? *
Any additional info you would like us to have regarding your child(ren)?
Please know we are praying for the families of our parish.  During these uncertain times, how can we pray specifically for you and your family?  Please type any prayer requests you have below.  
*If your child has not been baptized AND/OR has not received First Reconciliation and First Communion in 2nd grade, please contact the parish office at 897-9820 or email  to make arrangements for Sacramental Preparation.
*If you are experiencing a financial hardship, please contact the parish office.  No child will be denied faith formation due to lack of funds.  
*Please make checks payable to St. Mary's.  Tuition can be dropped off at the parish office, in the collection basket at Mass in an envelope clearly labeled as "tuition for Faith Formation" or brought to the first day of a sacramental prep class.  
Fee: $35 per child; $130 family limit
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