Join the Aerospace Medicine at Carolina (AMC) for 2023-2024!
Please fill this form out if you would like to officially join our organization, and learn more about human physiology in extreme environments, such as space! By providing your email, you are consenting to receive information from the organization about future events, opportunities, and information pertaining to our chapter. The information provided below is some background on our organization:

We are Aerospace Medicine at Carolina (AMC), a student-run organization affiliated with Aerospace Medicine Student & Resident Organization (AMSRO) under the umbrella organization, the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA). There are currently over 40 affiliate groups of AMSRO that span across 10 different countries across the WORLD. We (AMC) have started the first ever aerospace medicine group at UNC at Chapel Hill campus, and we are looking for all types of students that have an interest in a healthcare profession, as well as a passion for anything that is related to aerospace flight. This organization is open to undergraduates, medical students, pharmacy students, nursing students, dental students, PhD students, and any other health-related profession. AMC membership means you will have access to educational presentations from a variety of healthcare professionals, pilots, astronauts, and employees that work in the field of aerospace medicine. Our mission is to educate students about the many career opportunities that co-exist between space and health care, and advocate for the expansion of this field of study... pilots and astronauts are patients too!

Please do send this form to any friends or colleagues who are interested in joining, all are welcome!
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