Jobs of Tomorrow
Jobs of Tomorrow(JoT) ( is a career education program for middle and high school students with a specific focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The organization was founded  in 2018  with a mission to improve equity and diversity in STEM by encouraging underrepresented groups including students of color, girls, students from low-income groups, and students with disabilities to consider STEM careers and see themselves as future leaders in it.

JoT has impacted over 10000 students in 4 different continents to-date.

I am looking for the brightest minds to join our team, and would love for you to be part of this journey!

There are 4 roles available:
1. Lead - Site Operations (One open positions)
Description of position: Major responsibility includes running the program remotely at one site. We already have sites and a few speakers, so you will mostly be running the program by introducing the speaker, recording the session, and keeping things running by sending reminders to the sites and speakers.Time commitment is 3+ hours/week/site. Jobs of Tomorrow will be running remotely in 2 international sites in the Fall. This position is open to an international applicant due to logistics of the time differences (the session time conflicts with school time in the USA).

2. Lead - STEM Education Content Creator (Two open positions)
Description of position: Major responsibility includes creating content such as videos of safe Do-It-Yourself STEM experiments and curriculum. Time commitment is 5+ hours/week depending on the type of content being created.

3. Lead - STEM Blog Writer (Two open positions)
Description of position: Major responsibility includes writing 1 more more blogs per week about current issues in diversity, equity, and inclusion. They will also conduct interviews of professionals and inspiring students over Zoom and post them. Time commitment is 5+ hours/week.

4. Lead - Marketing (Two open positions)
Description of position: Major responsibility includes creating the posters and sign up forms for the upcoming sessions, and posting it on social media. Time commitment is 5+ hours/week.

Once I have reviewed your submission we will reach out to you over the coming weeks with our decision. If you are looking for volunteer hours, please mention it to me when I reach out to you.

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Why are you interested in the relevant position and what experience do you have in this area? (Maximum 200 words) *
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