Occupational Stress and Decision-Making Survey.
Thank you for participating in this survey and adding your valuable insights into my MSc Criminology and Criminal Psychology thesis at the University of Essex. The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between occupational stress and decision-making among UK police officers. Your insights will contribute to a better understanding of how stress affects decision-making in professional contexts, ultimately aiming to inform strategies for improving officer well-being and performance.

This survey is completely anonymous. No identifying information, such as names, email addresses, or IP addresses, will be collected.

Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may choose to stop the survey at any time without penalty.

The survey will take approximately 10–15 minutes to complete.

Your responses will be used solely for academic purposes as part of a thesis project and will comply with GDPR and ethical research standards.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is valuable and much appreciated.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, feel free to contact me at hs22008@essex.ac.uk.
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Before starting this survey, please provide your consent to partake in this study. The answer must be YES for you to continue. *
In the last month, how often have you felt unable to control important things in your life? *
Very Often
In the last month, how often have you felt confident in your ability to handle personal problems? *
Very Often
In the last month, how often have you felt that difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them? *
Very Often
How often do you experience stress from handling situations involving violence or serious crimes (e.g., domestic violence, murder, violent crimes)? *
Very Often
How often do you feel stressed due to a lack of backup during high-risk operations? *
Very Often
How often do you feel stressed by administrative responsibilities (e.g., paperwork, report deadlines)? *
Very Often
How often do you feel stressed due to the unpredictability of your workload? *
Very Often
How often do you try to come up with a plan to solve a stressful situation? *
I haven’t been doing this at all.
I’ve been doing this a lot.
How often do you seek emotional support from colleagues or friends? *
I haven’t been doing this at all.
I’ve been doing this a lot.
How often do you find yourself avoiding stressful situations? *
I haven’t been doing this at all.
I’ve been doing this a lot.
How often do you rely on alcohol or substances to cope with stress? *
I haven’t been doing this at all.
I’ve been doing this a lot.
When faced with an urgent decision at work (e.g., responding to a violent crime), how confident are you in your ability to make the right decision? *
Not at all confident.
Very confident.
How often do you feel you have made the best possible decision in high-stakes situations? *
How often do you feel pressure has caused you to make impulsive decisions? *
In the last month, how often have your decisions at work resulted in successful outcomes (e.g., resolving incidents efficiently)? *
Very Often
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Years of Service in the Force.
Region *
Rank or Role
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