SF Parent Action Democratic County Central Committee Endorsement Questionnaire 2024 
SF Parent Action (www.sfparentaction.org) is the political advocacy affiliate (501c4) of the San Francisco Parent Coalition. We advocate for policies and elected officials who put the needs of San Francisco's public school students first. SF Parent Action is running an endorsement process for the DCCC 2024 election. Please respond to these five yes-or-no questions and one open-ended question by December 22nd. Our 5-member Board and 8-member Parent Leadership Council of public school parents and supporters will review candidate responses and announce our endorsements by mid-January 2024.
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email adress *

Do you support Prop 13 reform to get more funding to public schools across SF and CA?

Did you support the 2022 recall of at least one SF Board of Education commissioner?

Should SF's public schools have reopened sooner than they did, during the pandemic?


Do you believe an 8th grade algebra offering should return to SFUSD, along with broader research-backed fixes to SFUSD's K-12 math program?


Tell us about the criteria you will use to decide who to endorse for School Board:


Are you a public school parent or are you a graduate of SFUSD? (This is for informational purposes only and will not be used as criteria for endorsement.) 

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