ChabadDisplay Interest form
A fully integrated display board / info board and digital signage solution built from the ground up with Shluchim in mind, integrated seamlessly with your favorite platforms
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What are you most interested in using ChabadDisplay to display (select all that apply) *
What is your interest level for the following built-in integrations (your submissions will help us determine which planned Integrations to work on next)
Don't need it
Good to have
Instagram (completed)
Google Photos (in-progress)
ChabadOne Events (in-progress)
Chabad Suite Events (planned)
ChabadOne Fundraising (in-consideration)
Charidy (planned)
CMS (in-consideration)
Youtube (completed)
Chabad on Campus RSVP system (planned)
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Additional feedback
How did you hear about us?  *
What is your full name? *
What is your name of your mosad? *
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