WHS Instrumental Music Volunteer Form
Thank you so much for your willingness to volunteer your time to make the music program amazing for our kids! We can't do all the fun and enriching activities without the support of all the parents. 
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Volunteer First Name *
Volunteer Last Name *
Volunteer Email *
Volunteer Cell Phone *
Name of WHS Instrumental Music Student(s) *
What grade will your child(ren) be in for the 2024-2025 school year? *
What group(s) are you child(ren) performing in?
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Which volunteer opportunities are you interested in? 
This is not a commitment for you to participate. It just lets us know you're open to potentially volunteering. Please indicate which of the below area(s) you are willing to work in and a coordinator contact you to provide more details.
We meet once per month to manage all aspects of the Booster organization including recruiting, finance, event coordination, fundraising, and planning, etc.

Time Commitment: 2-8 hours a month

You can check as many boxes as you like. 

Committee Chairs and Leads coordinate committees or specific areas of a department. These positions typically supervise other volunteers during the planning of programs and events. They can also handle smaller projects on their own as needed.

These positions are vital to the overall success of the program.

Time Commitment: Seasonal, 4-40 hours

You can check as many boxes as you like.
Regiment relies on the most volunteers of any music program at WHS. It has over 100 students rehearsing long hours, performing across SoCal, and the parents help keep things organized and the students hydrated, fed, and happy!

It takes a lot of coordination to take this show on the road, and it’s a great way to meet people, have fun, and interact with your kids.

Time Commitment: Mostly Aug-Nov, time varies

You can check as many boxes as you like. 
These Winter programs are separate ensembles from Regiment. Drumline and Color Guard have some events together and some separate, so volunteers are needed for each group. 

There are less participants than Regiment, but it takes a lot of coordination to take this show on the road.

Time Commitment: Mostly Jan - April, time varies

You can check as many boxes as you like. 
Do you have any special skills we might be able to tap into? (graphic design, carpentry, marketing, corporate donations, etc.)
Do you have any comments or feedback to share?
Thank you again for volunteering for this wonderful program! It can't be done without you!
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This form was created inside of Westlake High School Instrumental Music Boosters.

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