2023-24 Student Absence Form
Begin with the email address of the  parent/guardian completing this form.
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Email *
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Grade Level
Date of Absence
Full Day or Partial Day
Full Day = any absence greater than 4 hours of the school day. Partial Day = any attendance in excess of tardy and up to 4 hours of the school day. Partial day will typically be calculated as a "1/2" day of attendance.
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Are you planning or need multiple days of absence?
IF your student will be absent MULTIPLE days, complete this section for documentation with the school office.  We request you additionally communicate with and provide notification to home room and special area teachers.
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If, you are planning or need multiple days, enter the start date.
Skip this question if it does not apply.
If you are planning or need multiple days, enter the end date.
Skip this question if it does not apply.
Have you notified your homeroom teacher, as well as your special area teachers (Art, Music, P.E., Spanish or Latin, Athletic Coaches)?  If not, please do so immediately upon submission of this form.
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Reason for Absence
First name of parent/guardian completing this form.
Last name of parent/guardian completing this form.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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