Application for Spring 2024 - Sonya Sophia's EFT Practitioner Certification.
Should this EFT training be filled by the time we review your application, you'll automatically be added to the waiting list for next time and be contacted by Team Love with details.
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First Name *
Last Name
Email *
Cell Phone *
How did you find us? *
Where are you located? *
What is your current occupation? *
Why do you want to participate in this program? What do you hope to achieve? What would you like to do with this training once you are certified? *
What are your strengths and/or gifts that you would bring that will help you become a good practitioner? *
What do you believe are your biggest obstacles you must overcome to become a EFT practitioner? *
*Are you able to train with us for 10 days? This requires ARRIVING by 2pm and STAYING through graduation at 4 pm on on the final day. *
*Are you able to also COMMIT to completing the online pre-requisite work (35+ hrs) PRIOR to ARRIVING at the in-person training?
Please tell us about all past experiences in which you were in a professional role supporting others? (e.g. Have you ever worked in any of the healing professions? Have you ever worked for or supported someone in the healing professions? Have you ever led any groups whose purpose was empowering others?) *
Please tell us about any other past non-professional experiences that might be relevant for EFT practitioner facilitation in which you were supporting others? *
Have you done any other trainings have you done that you believe would support you in becoming a EFT Practitioner? *
Please evaluate your leadership skills. How would you rate yourself (1 - 10, 1 being lowest, 10 being highest)? What ability would you most like to develop in order to improve your score?
What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of in your life? Why did you choose this particular accomplishment? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you that may be relevant to you participating in this advanced EFT practitioner training? *
❤️ To COMPLETE this process, PLEASE book your 30 min phone interview with Sonya Sophia. Sonya will personally answer your questions & you'll both know afterward whether it's a good fit! Please enter YES below after scheduling a time. See link below
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