A Program for Moms: I need your help! :) 
First of all, thank you for being willing to help answer a few questions to help me refine my next offering for mommas. Your time is precious and your feedback is so valuable - THANK YOU for this gift to me. I will keep you posted on how this evolves, if enough mommas are interested I will offer a large savings on this program for a group of Beta Testers. With love, Kimberly 
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I’m thinking of creating a program that helps moms of children transform their lives using Human Design to customize their parenting approach and discover purpose in motherhood. If you’re a mom of young children, is something you’d be interested in? *
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Very much
Are you interested in learning your and your child's Human Designs? 
What’s the biggest problem you’re having with enjoying and finding purpose in motherhood? Would you like help to solve it? *
This program would include the following content through self-paced, interactive (and fun!) online modules you'd have ongoing access to and don't expire. Lessons will be offered via videos, workbooks, audio learning and more. Please check all that appeals to you. *
Very Interested
Not Interested
Human Design Basics: Me and Kiddo(s)
Parenting Tools w/Positive Discpline
Community Support from other Moms
Group Coaching Calls with Kimberly
Spiritual Guidance, Tips & Tools
Self Reflection: Journaling, Exercises & More
Savings on Other Offerings: Retreats, Readings, Coaching
Are there other topics you'd want to be included?  *
What would make purchasing a program like this a no-brainer for you? Or in other words, what transformation within motherhood would be priceless to you? For me.. its knowing how to live my purpose and be my very best self while also enjoying being a mom and parenting my girls so that they are empowered to live their destiny. 
What would you invest for this program? 
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If you answered "other" above, share more about a pricing structure that sounds good to you. 
Are they thoughts you'd like to share or ask about regarding this program?
Would you like to be considered for the Beta Group when this program launches? In exchange for your feedback as a pilot member of this program, you will receive a huge savings on the program pricing. If yes, enter your name please :) 
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