Breakfast Club / After School Club booking form for parents who are using childcare vouchers to pay
Please use this form to book any Breakfast Club / After School Club sessions you require if you are paying with vouchers. The cost of Breakfast Club is £3 per day. The cost of After School Club is £6 per day. Bookings will need to be made by 12 noon on Monday for the following week. e.g. If you wish to book your child in for Wednesday 16th September, the booking would have to be made by 12 noon on Monday 7th September.  We can not accept late bookings and numbers will be limited.


Unfortunately, you are unable to cancel Breakfast Club / After School Club once it has been booked and paid for. The only exception to this is if your child has been told to isolate due to COVID-19 or your child is off school ill.
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Email *
Name of child/children
Please write here the dates that you require your child/children to be booked on BREAKFAST CLUB for. Please note that these must be booked by 12 noon on Monday for the following week.
Please write here the dates that you require your child/children to be booked on AFTER SCHOOL CLUB for. Please note that these must be booked by 12 noon on Monday for the following week.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of Holy Family Catholic Primary and Nursery School. Report Abuse