pre-order, Fresh Picked Idaho Potatoes $24-26 50lbs
fresh picked Shepody and Reds potatoes, pick up will be Sept 26-30, maybe a little earlier. Last pick up will be at the Cedar IFA Farmers Market, Saturday Oct 1st, and the Enoch Farmers Market, Wednesday Sept 28th or Oct 5th.  if you do not preorder the will be $29 and $31 dollars for the extra gas for transportation.
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Shepody potato  $26
Shepody (F69016) is a determinate variety whose vine is early to medium maturing and is medium-large sized. Due to its good frying quality and early maturity, usually ready for harvest in August, its grown for early fry processing and fries lighter than Russet Burbank.

These will come in a large paper bag, potatoes will have dirt on them to help keep in the preserving. once washed they will sprout and dry out much quicker.

how many Bags of shedody about 50lbs per bag
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Yukon gold. $26 50lbs bags

Yellow Spanish onions  $34 50lbs bag
Red Potatoes   $24

Because of their waxy texture, the flesh of red potatoes stays firm throughout the cooking process. Their thin yet vibrant red skin adds appealing color and texture to side dishes or salads. Reds are frequently used to make potato salad or add pizazz to soups and stews, but can also be served baked or mashed.

These will come in a large paper bag, potatoes will have dirt on them to help keep in the preserving. once washed they will sprout and dry out much quicker.

how many Bags of Reds about 50lbs per bag
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what is your total cost $ of all your potatoes and onions
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