AJS Task Force and Committee Volunteer Form
The AJS seeks volunteers to serve on a number of its committees and in other capacities. The AJS cannot function without the time and service of members who help to make the programs of the AJS possible. New committee/task force members will be chosen by a selection committee made up of the Committee Chair, the Executive Director, the AJS President, and the Board Liaison to that Committee.

Please understand that our task forces and committees have a limited number of members. We may be unable to place all volunteers on the committee or task force of their choice. We will continue to regularly call for volunteers and will make more opportunities to join in our collective work.

Opportunities are currently available in the categories of:
**AJS Perspectives Editorial Board
**Division Chairs
**Judging Committees for Prizes
**Steering Committees for Mentorship programs and Mentor Opportunities

You don't need to indicate interest for all opportunities, just the ones that interest you. Please answer all questions just for the opportunities for which you'd like to be considered.

Unless otherwise noted, all committee members serve for two-year terms and can serve no more than two consecutive terms for a total of four years. No AJS member can occupy more than two AJS leadership or volunteer positions at any one time.  

Below, please find brief descriptions of committees and task forces looking for volunteers. If you would like to let chairs know that you might be interested in joining, please fill out this Google form, and submit it by February 23, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST.

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