Social Data Summit 2021
Date: February 23, 2021 (Tuesday)
Time: 10-11am PST // 19:00-20:00 CET

NOTE ADDED 2/24/2021
This was a great event, thank you all for participating and watching the live stream!!!
And if you missed it, there is a recording at

In the following lines, the time stamps correspond to the time in the video:

15:00 BEGINNING (with deep fake of my voice using Overdub / Descript)
18:56 Oliver Günther, President, University of Potsdam
24:15 Norbert Schwarz, Professor, USC, @aanobs
32:00 Liza Lin, "Surveillance State", WSJ, @lizalinwsj
38:39 David Holtzman, "Privacy Lost", @theglobalpov
52:00 Heinz-Günter Scheer, CEO, @s-kreditpartner
Followed by discussion (Illusion of Control, Blockchain, China, …)

(The room opened 15 minutes before we started, skip to 15:00.)

And a big THANK YOU to Lars M. Heitmüller, SKPlab, @lmh

Below is the text of the initial form which is still live, so if you want to leave any comments, please do so. I am looking forward to seeing your responses.

Andreas Weigend, "Data for the People", @aweigend



I am Andreas Weigend, former Chief Scientist at Amazon and author of "Data for the People",

I would like to invite you to this year's Social Data Summit. The format will be similar to last year's,, starting with short presentations by each speaker, followed by discussion.

* Oliver Günther (President, Universität Potsdam,ünther)
* David Holtzman ("Privacy Lost",, and
* Liza Lin ("Surveillance State" with Josh Chin,
* Norbert Schwarz (Professor, USC,

The event will be hosted by SKP (Heinz-Günter Scheer, CEO,, and Lars Heitmüller, SKP Lab).

See you on February 23, 2021. (And if you can't make that hour, it will be on youtube afterwards.)

Andreas Weigend

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