Apply to The Campus Citizen Editorial Board 2023-2024
Interested in being on the editorial board for this upcoming school year and/or this summer? Apply now! We are seeking a campus editor, a sports editor, a culture editor, podcast editor, website manager, marketing manager, and social media manager.

Deadline to apply is March 17. Interviews for the roles will begin on Mar. 20.

Being on the editorial board at The Campus Citizen is a voluntary commitment. All work completed for the publication is currently unpaid. Working with us is a great opportunity to improve your skills, work with a team and get published.

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Full Name *
Preferred Pronouns *
IU Email Address *
Undergraduate Major(s)/Minor(s) *
Year *
These are the available positions and a brief description of responsibilities.
Campus Editor
  • Pitch stories weekly that are relevant to students first (then faculty and staff)
  • Sub-sections: Student life, Student government
  • Edit stories for content, clarity, and relevance
Sports Editor
  • Pitch stories weekly that are relevant to students first (then faculty and staff) about sports
  • Focus predominantly on IUPUI sports instead of local or major league sports
  • Edit stories for content, clarity, and relevance
Culture Editor
  • Pitch stories weekly that are relevant to students first (then faculty and staff) about Indy
  • Sub-sections: Local, Reviews, Music, Film, Television
  • Edit student stories for content, clarity, and relevance
Copy Editor(s)
  • Edit pieces for grammar corrections and AP Style
  • Ensure that material is clear, consistent, complete
  • Ensure credibility of the work (Fact-checking)
  • Make sure text is accessible (Links are relevant and work)
Podcast Editor
  • Oversee podcast production 
  • Help students edit podcasts
  • Help students record and teach staffers how to use the equipment
  • Cultivate and inspire new podcasts to form
  • Publish podcasts on Anchor
Marketing Manager
  • Build connections with campus organizations
  • Strategize on how to best promote the newspaper to campus
  • Recruit new contributors to the newspaper staff
  • Help the EIC organize tabling and attending promotional campus events and classroom visits
  • Collaborate with the Social Media Manager
  • Collaborate with local businesses and IUPUI services to improve Campus Citizen's social visibility 
Website Manager
  • Help students upload content into CEO (our web developing platform)
  • Manage Google Ads to bring in revenue
  • Analyze Google Analytics
  • Improve SEO optimization
Social Media Manager
  • Promote articles on social media platforms
  • Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
  • Make Instagram Reels/Tik Toks to reach students using current trends (on the street content too)
  • Create content that students can connect to
  • Collaborate with the Marketing Manager
*ALL roles are expected to be able to attend the weekly meetings. Day/time for next semester TBD.

What type of editor (culture, sports, campus) is your first choice? Please explain if you have a second/third preference, no preference, etc. *
Please provide a link to your strongest writing sample.
What led you to apply for The Campus Citizen?
In 250 words or less, what does student journalism mean to you?
What previous experience do you have that would help you on staff for The Citizen? What skills would you be bringing to the team? What past editing experience do you have that would qualify you for this role?
In 250 words or less, can you describe a time when you were in a position of leadership and how that went?
What will your availability look like next school year?
In 250 words or less, what traits do you possess that you feel are crucial for strong leadership and to be an editor at The Campus Citizen?
Thank you for your interest in The Campus Citizen! We will reach out to you soon about your application. Please use the space below to discuss any questions or concerns.
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