Volunteer at Balance 180 this summer!
Balance 180 is a non-profit organization in Gainesville. Our mission is to develop a new model for recreational and competitive sports within our community that serves children and young people with varying abilities and needs. Our goal is to give all children an opportunity to participate in sports, while encouraging them to learn and grow to realize their unique potential.

We would love for you to join our team of volunteers to work with our awesome athletes! We have lots of opportunities to get involved this summer. Please complete the following volunteer interest form, and we will follow up with next steps!
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Name *
Email Address  (please provide your primary personal email and your email for school) *
Phone number (please include area code) *
Date of birth *
Please share any experience you have working with children, working with children with special needs, coaching gymnastics (or related sport - cheer, dance, etc.), etc. We do not require prior experience, but it's helpful to know if you do!
We have some athletes who use sign language or have English as a second language. Do you speak any languages besides English (Spanish, Chinese, sign language, etc.) so that we could potentially pair you with an athlete who would benefit. Please list. 
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