對澳門文化遺產(特別是澳門舊基督教墳場)的認識和互動科技體驗應用 Knowledge of Macau Cultural Heritage (Especially the Macau Old Protestant Cemetery) and Interactive Technology Experience Application
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您好,我是聖若瑟大學設計碩士學生及研究員。 我的研究主題是關於澳門文化遺產(特別是澳門舊基督教墳場)的數位文化保存。 本次調查旨在了解您對澳門墓地的了解以及您對文化遺產應用新技術的使用者體驗期望。

本次調查的資料嚴格保密且匿名; 您不會被追踪,所有收集的數據將僅用於內部學術研究目的。 非常感謝您的時間和幫助!

As a Master of Design student and researcher at the University of Saint Joseph, the researcher is conducting a study on the digital cultural preservation of Macau's cultural heritages, with a specific focus on the Macau Old Protestant Cemetery. The primary aim of this research is to assess public knowledge regarding Macau's cemeteries and to understand expectations related to the user experience of new technologies applied to cultural heritage preservation.

Confidentiality and Anonymity - Participants are assured that all data collected through this survey will remain strictly confidential and anonymous. No identifying information will be recorded, and the data gathered will be used exclusively for internal academic research purposes.

The researcher extends gratitude for the time and assistance provided by all participants.

第一部分:澳門墓園的背景 Section1: Background of Macau Cemeteries
0 of 0 points


What is your level of knowledge about the cemeteries in Macau?



How many cemeteries are there in Macau?



Have you ever visited any of the cemeteries in Macau?



If yes, how often do you visit the cemeteries?


您曾經參觀過哪些? (可以多選一項)

Which cemeteries have you visited? (Select all that apply)


您知道哪些是天主教徒的墓園嗎? (可以多選一項)

Do you know which cemeteries in Macau are Catholic? (Select all that apply)


知道哪些是基督教徒的墓園嗎? (可以多選一項)

Do you know which cemeteries in Macau are Protestant? (Select all that apply)



How much do you know about the history of the Macau Protestant Cemetery?



Are you familiar with Dr. Robert Morrison?



(If yes) Which description is accurate about Dr. Robert Morrison?



Have you ever heard of the famous painter George Chinnery?


您想透過以下哪一種方式了解文化古蹟(尤其是澳門舊基督教墳場)? (可以多選一項)

In which of the following ways would you prefer to learn about heritage sites, particularly the Macau Old Protestant Cemetery? (Select all that apply)

第二部分:流動應用原型製作 Section2: Mobile Application Prototype
0 of 0 points


Do you think mobile applications would enhance your understanding of a heritage site?


您在使用澳門文化遺產流動應用程式時希望擁有哪些功能?   (可以多選一項)

Which features would you like to have in a mobile application for Macau Cultural Heritage? (Select all that apply)



Do you agree that adding interactive experiences would increase your interest in the Macau Old Protestant Cemetery?


Remark: Interactive experiences are digital or real-world environments that allow users to engage with content through interactive websites or mobile apps, including Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technology.

互動體驗 Interactive experiences

第三部分:互動科技體驗 Section3: Interactive Technology Experience
0 of 0 points


Are you familiar with Augmented Reality (AR)?


(如知道)您是如何聽說擴增實境(AR) 的? (可以多選一項)

If yes, how did you learn about AR? (Select all that apply)


您對使用擴增實境(AR) 技術進行文化保護有何看法?

What is your opinion on using AR technology for cultural preservation?

備註:文化保護是指保護和維護文化遺產,包括物質和非物質形式,以確保其為子孫後代生存。 它涉及保護被認為有價值且重要的文化文物、傳統、語言和實踐。

Remark: Cultural preservation refers to the protection and safeguarding of cultural heritage, including tangible and intangible forms, to ensure its survival for future generations. It involves the preservation of cultural artifacts, traditions, languages, and practices that are considered valuable and significant.

非常不同意 Strongly disagree
不同意 Disagree
中性的 Neutral
同意 Agree
非常同意 Strongly agree
幫助人們更了解澳門的歷史 Help people to know more details about Macau’s history
激發人們參觀文化遺產的興趣 Get people interested in visiting the cultural heritage
學習更簡單、更方便 Easier and more convenience to learn
良好的數位化保存 A good digital preservation
脫離現實 Out of reality

您認為澳門舊基督教墳場加入擴增實境(AR)互動體驗會增加您參觀的興趣嗎? 請從 1 到 5 進行評分。

Do you think incorporating AR interactive experiences at the Macau Old Protestant Cemetery would increase your interest in visiting it? Please rate from 1 to 5.

完全不感興趣 Not interested at all
真的很有興趣 Really interested

您認為互動科技體驗是否有助於推廣澳門文化遺產以及澳門的數位保存? 請從 1 到 5 進行評分。

Do you think interactive technology experiences will help promote Macau Cultural Heritages and contribute to their digital preservation? Please rate from 1 to 5.

完全沒幫助 It is helpfulness
真的很有幫助 It is really helpful

您認為擴增實境(AR)/虛擬實境(VR)技術將有助於推廣澳門文化遺產和澳門的數位化保存嗎? 請從 1 到 5 進行評分。

Do you think AR/VR technology will aid in promoting Macau Cultural Heritages and facilitate their digital preservation? Please rate from 1 to 5.

完全沒幫助 It is helpfulness
真的很有幫助 It is really helpful
第四部分:意見 Section 4: Opinion
0 of 0 points


In what manner do you believe a cultural heritage mobile application should be developed?



What is your opinion on creating a mobile application prototype for Macau Cultural Heritages, specifically the Macau Old Protestant Cemetery?

can be useful, but not easy to motivate ppl to download it
第五部分:個人資料 Section 5: Personal Information
0 of 0 points

您的性別 ?

Your gender?



Your age?



Your education?

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