Open Rivers: Rights, Conflict, and Water Article Proposal Submission Form

Open Rivers is currently inviting proposals for our 2025 issue on Rights, Conflict, and Water. We seek contributions that foreground the complexities of and intersections of water rights and water conflicts. How is the right to water enacted in different contexts? How do “rights” and practices reciprocally inform each other? How are water rights allocated? How is water mobilized in sociopolitical practices and how is it weaponized? How does water contribute to larger social discord? How can our sociopolitical structures facilitate better relationships with people and place? What do we learn about water rights and conflicts from history? From art? And what are the rights of water itself?

We invite proposals from scholars, activists, artists, professionals, policymakers, community members, scientists, and practitioners who offer insight on rights, conflicts, and water broadly conceived. We encourage prospective authors to share work that furthers our understandings of the intersections of ecological and sociopolitical systems. We aim to publish content that will provoke thoughtful reflection, meaningful action, and ongoing public discussion.

Deadlines for Abstract Submissions:
For feature articles (without peer review, 3,000-5,000 words) and columns (1,000-2,000 words): rolling deadline accepting submissions until 6 months before publication in 2025. 

We are no longer accepting proposal for peer-reviewed articles for this issue. 

We will review proposals and be in touch within approximately one month of the deadline. Please also see our submission guidelines at

For more information about this call for papers please visit If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
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Name (first and last) *
Email address *
Affiliation (organization, university, etc.)
Please share a short abstract or summary of what you would like to write about for Open Rivers (approximately 250 words) *
Do you have a preference of which article type you would like to write? (We are happy to make a recommendation based on your abstract as well.)
How did you hear about this call for papers? (please check as many as apply)
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