YpsiWrites Elevating Your Writing Craft Workshop
In this four-part virtual workshop series, led by author Jeannette Matthews, participants will dive into literary craft techniques, including point of view, description, and character development. Reading materials will be provided and writers will have an opportunity to exchange feedback with their peers. All sessions will be hosted on Zoom.

Session 1: Introduction | Tuesday, September 24, 6:30-8:00pm
In this first session, participants will get to know one another, be introduced to the reading material, and learn about what's in store for the remainder of the workshop. Participants are welcome to attend one or all of these sessions.

Session 2: Point of View | Tuesday, October 29, 6:30-8:00pm
In this second session of the Elevating Your Writing Craft workshop, participants will bring a piece of writing that illustrates their use of a chosen point of view, based on provided reading materials. Writers will share their work with one another. Participants are welcome to attend one or all of the sessions in this workshop series.

Session 3: Description and Details | Tuesday, January 28, 6:30-8:00pm
In this third session, writers will bring work that illustrates use of concepts discussed in the reading material. Participants will have the chance to share their work and receive feedback from one another.

Session 4: Character | Tuesday, February 25, 6:30-8:00pm
In this fourth session, writers will bring work that uses concepts from the reading material, then share with one another as desired. The session will end with questions and discussion.

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