Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
The leaders of my child’s school ask for my opinion about how the school should function.
The leaders of my child’s school have a system to save and keep track of the information they collect about my opinions.
Reports of opinion data collected from students, parents, and the community are generated regularly.
I understand how my opinions affect school decisions.
My child’s school hosts an interactive website.
I visit my child’s school’s website often.
The leaders and teachers at my child’s school use social networking technologies(such as Twitter and Facebook) to involve students, parents, and the community.
The leaders of my child’s school host virtual town hall meetings.
The leaders of my child’s school conduct focus group meetings with students, parents, and the community.
The leaders of my child’s school host or speak at community/business luncheons.