Leading Indicator Survey for Parents/Guardians   

This survey was designed to gauge your child's school’s current status on the Marzano High Reliability Schools™ (HRS) framework. The levels of school effectiveness and high reliability are based on Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s research and practical experience working with teachers, schools, and districts. Information gathered is anonymous, therefore answer as honestly as you can. Please respond by January 13, 2023. Thanks in advance for taking a few minutes to complete this survey. 

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My child is in the following grade: *
1.1 The faculty and staff perceive the school environment as safe and orderly *
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
Teachers and staff at my child’s school consider it a safe place.
Teachers and staff at my child’s school consider it an orderly place.
My child’s school has clear and specific rules and procedures in place.
Teachers, staff, and my child know the emergency management procedures for the school.
Teachers, staff, and my child know how to implement the emergency management procedures for the school.
Teachers, staff, and my child have practiced implementing emergency management procedures for specific incidents (for example, tornado drills, fire drills, or lockdown drills).
The emergency management procedures at my child’s school are updated on a regular basis.
1.2 Students, parents, and the community perceive the school environment as safe and orderly   *
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
My child’s school is a safe place.
My child’s school is an orderly place.
I am aware of the rules and procedures in place at my child’s school.
My child’s school uses social media to allow anonymous reporting of potential incidents.
My child’s school has a system that allows school leaders to communicate with me about issues regarding school safety (for example, a school call-out system).
The leaders of my child’s school coordinate with local law enforcement agencies regarding school safety issues.
The leaders of my child’s school engage the community and me regarding school safety issues.
 1.3 Teachers have formal roles in the decision making process regarding school initiatives.   *
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
Teachers help make important decisions at my child’s school.
Specific groups of teachers provide input regarding specific decisions at my child’s school.
1.4 Teacher teams and collaborative groups regularly interact to address common issues regarding curriculum, assessment, instruction, and the achievement of all students.  
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
Teachers at my child’s school meet together on a regular basis.
At my child’s school, teachers who teach the same subject use the same exams, quizzes, and tests.
Teams of teachers at my child’s school look at student achievement data to figure out how to improve students’ learning.
1.5 Teachers and staff have formal ways to provide input regarding the optimal functioning of the school.  
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
The leaders of my child’s school ask teachers for their opinions about how the school should function.
The leaders of my child’s school collect information from teachers about their opinions.
1.6 Students, parents, and the community have formal ways to provide input regarding the optimal functioning of the school.  
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
The leaders of my child’s school ask for my opinion about how the school should function.
The leaders of my child’s school have a system to save and keep track of the information they collect about my opinions.
Reports of opinion data collected from students, parents, and the community are generated regularly.
I understand how my opinions affect school decisions.
My child’s school hosts an interactive website.
I visit my child’s school’s website often.
The leaders and teachers at my child’s school use social networking technologies(such as Twitter and Facebook) to involve students, parents, and the community.
The leaders of my child’s school host virtual town hall meetings.
The leaders of my child’s school conduct focus group meetings with students, parents, and the community.
The leaders of my child’s school host or speak at community/business luncheons.
1.7 The success of the whole school, as well as individuals within the school, is appropriately acknowledged.   
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
The accomplishments of my child’s school have been adequately acknowledged and celebrated.
The accomplishments of my child’s teachers have been adequately acknowledged and celebrated.
My child’s individual accomplishments have been adequately acknowledged and celebrated.
The leaders of my child’s school acknowledge and celebrate individual accomplishments, teacher-team or department accomplishments, and wholeschool accomplishments in a variety of ways (for example, through faculty celebrations, newsletters to parents, announcements, the school website, or social media).
1.8 The fiscal, operational, and technological resources of the school are managed in a way that directly supports teachers
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
N/A or don't know
Teachers at my child’s school have adequate materials to teach effectively.
Teachers at my child’s school have adequate time to teach effectively.
The leaders of my child’s school develop, submit, and implement detailed budgets.
The leaders of my child’s school successfully access and leverage a variety of fiscal resources (such as grants or title funds).
The leaders of my child’s school manage time to maximize a focus on instruction.
The leaders of my child’s school direct the use of technology to improve teaching and learning.
Tell us something that is going well at your child's school.
Tell us something that could be done better at your child's school.
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