Application Form - 2019 NCG Forum
23 - 26 October 2019 - Nantes - France                                                Deadline for applications : 17 June 2019 (New)
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What is Nantes Creative Generations ?
Nantes Creative Generations (NCG) is a programme set up by Nantes Métropole and the City of Nantes, in partnership with local NGOs, toward young adults between 18 to 30 years old from Nantes and all over Europe.

It aims at encouraging and gathering young people involved in original initiatives, innovative projects that help strengthen the notion of citizenship, of «living together». In this way, several actions are proposed throughout the year: Forum, Cooperation award, NCG on Tour.

> More information : 

The Forum is the core event of Nantes Creative Generations. Each year, it brings together young adults from all Europe in Nantes to share experiences.

Everywhere in Europe, from Amsterdam to Séville, from Warsaw to Nantes, the youth engage and innovate in order to strengthen life quality in their community. Developing relations between citizens, solidarity, protection of the environment, artistic collaboration – every initiative is unique but all of them pursue a common objective : to strengthen the notion of “living together”.

In order to allow these young people to meet, to learn and perhaps to experiment with new forms of projects with a European dimension, the Nantes Creative Generations Forum brings together every year participants from Nantes and Europe to present a concrete initiative. The objective is to encourage and stimulate European exchanges so that they can go further together.

As well as showcasing their own projects, participants will have the chance to learn from peers across Europe and to gain better understanding of the European dimension of local projects. A unique opportunity to develop a project, reinforce / create a network, exchange good practices, strengthen English skills, etc.

Programme :
Over the course of 4 days in Nantes, participants from every background are invited to :

> Present a project or initiative
> Share best practice
> Develop skills in setting up projects in Europe
> Meet potential future partners with a view to setting up across-border projects which could be funded by the Cooperation Award
> Have discussions with other young Europeans
> Take part in city visits, cultural and social events

Program :

> Plenary sessions, to present projects to other participants, take part in discussions and public radio shows
> Workshops, to discuss specific themes in small groups and gain skills in setting up projects, in particular cross-border projects (methods, funding, communications tools, etc.).
> Informal and cultural time
How to participate ?
These are the conditions to participate to the Forum:

> To be aged between 18 and 30 years old
> To live and/or develop a project in Nantes Métropole or a Member state of the Council of Europe (+ Belarus) :
> To present a concrete initiative
> To fill in this application form
Selection of projects :
Each year, 30 projects are presented : 10 from Nantes and 20 from all of Europe

> Projects must contribute to strengthen the notion of "living together", involve a "citizenship" approach in its general sense and develop an original approach.
> They can be linked to a large range of thematics : environment, health, education, culture, sport, intercultural dialogue, fight again discriminations, media, etc.
> Projects must be concrete initiatives (Or at least in an advanced stage of reflection if not yet realized)

Projects to participate to the Forum are selected by a jury in June and notified in July.

> See all the projects presented during previous Forums :
Practical information :
The 2019 Forum takes place on October 23-26 in Nantes/France. The Forum starts on Wednesday 23 October evening and ends on Saturday 26 October on early afternoon. Participants are invited to stay until Sunday 27 October (Cultural programme + accomodation covered)

English is the official language of the Forum.

For European participants : Transport, accommodation and food costs are covered by Nantes Métropole for 2 participants maximum per project.

Please note that selected participants are asked to book their transport tickets themselves. The organization will then refund travel expenses up to 400 Euros per person, according to the original receipts and tickets sent by the participants. Refunds are provided approximatively 2-3 months after the Forum (depending on the date of reception of the original tickets)

More info :
Your application :
1. Project leader
First name *
Name *
Date of birth *
Adress *
City *
Country *
Phone *
E-mail *
Job title
2. Participants to the Forum
First name 1 *
Name 1 *
Date of birth 1 *
Job title 1 *
First name 2
Name 2
Date of birth 2
Job title 2
3. The project
Project name *
Short description *
These contents is likely to be published on the NCG website
Who initiated the project ? Are young people actively involved in the project ? *
Which are the goals ? *
Which are the main actions ? *
Why do you think this project is innovative ? *
How does the project strengthen the notion of "living together"  ? *
What is the budget of the project ? *
How far into the project are you? How should it last ?   *
Who are your partners ? Are you members of any network(s) ? if yes which one(s) ? *
Website,  Facebook, Twitter, etc. *
Any additionnal documents or pictures you would like to send : 
4. Your experience
Have you already set up any projects before ? *
If yes, were partners from different countries involved ?
5. The Forum
Why are you motivated to participate in the Forum ? *
How did you hear about NCG ? *
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