Digital Candle one-hour call - for experts
Fill in the form below if you're up for spending one hour of your time on a call with a charity that wants to know more about how digital is relevant to them and can help them achieve their charitable aims. If we can find a charity that needs your help, we'll introduce you!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name
Your skills
What digital things do you know a bit about? List anything that comes to mind - from email marketing, Google Ad Grants and social media, through to digital strategy, data science and coding.  
How many Candle calls do you want to do?
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Your location
The first half of your postcode or nearest town
Your email address
Are you happy for us to email you more details about this? *
Kind of need a yes for this to work, but we've got to ask because of GDPR and whatnot. For further information, please see:
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