Highrock COVID-19 Volunteer Sign-Up
Taking cues from the work of others around the world, this list is being compiled by Highrock to share with groups that are doing mutual aid work around COVID-19 in Greater Boston. Many of these efforts are still in development, but people have been reaching out to volunteer, so we wanted to start getting a list ready so people can be contacted as requests arise. We will be sharing this list with groups and organizations who are doing mutual aid, like food pantries. We will not use or share the info you provide for any other purpose.

Thank you so much for looking out for others during a crisis that is reinforcing individualism in increasingly harmful ways. Safe distancing is important, but we also have to be able to hold each other, even when we're apart. By acting out of an abundance of love, we seek to help fight isolation physically, spiritually, relationally, intellectually and financially. We must love and care for one another.

Important: Noting that you would like to be contacted about any of the work mentioned below does not constitute a hard and fast commitment. We know circumstances can be unpredictable. Checking "yes" just means we may contact you if an opportunity to do that kind of volunteering arises.
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Email *
What is your name? (Please indicate your pronouns as well, if you would like to share.) *
What is your phone number?
What Neighborhood/Town/City do you live in? *
Are you interested in coordinating care efforts? *
Do you wish to be contacted about donations that are needed to support mutual aid work around COVID-19? *
Would you like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities that involve being outside, such as distributing groceries or delivering food and leaving it outside the doors of people on quarantine? (Note: Risks and best practices will be discussed before any work is done. People over 50 and people with underlying conditions should be especially cautious in these times, so this option will not be right for everyone. Please do whatever you must to remain well.) *
Do you have special skills or particular resources you would like us to know about?
Would you like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities that involve picking up donations, such as groceries, from stores or other businesses and transporting those materials to volunteers for distribution? *
Would you like to help provide social interaction with isolated individuals? *
Would you like to be contacted about other tasks that you can complete remotely from your home, such as online awareness-raising or distribution of crucial information? *
Would you like to pray regularly with others during this time? *
If you answered "yes" above, what is your faith tradition? *
Would you like to speak with a pastor or other faith leader? *
Is there an organization you'd like to recommend to us for referral of volunteers and resources?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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