Registration for the 2024 Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church Men's "Walk to Emmaus Retreat" November 8th - 10th, 2024
Are you ready for a peaceful weekend without life's stress and noise? An opportunity to make friendships that will last a lifetime? Are you ready for an event that will change the course of your relationship with Christ ? If so, please join the Men of Mary Help of Christians (MHOC) Catholic Church" at our "Walk to Emmaus" Retreat 2024.

If you have any questions Call, Text or WhatsApp +1(954)866-4242 or email:

The retreat is held in Parkland, FL accommodations are provided a few miles away at a local hotel. The retreat starts Friday at 5:00 pm and ends Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm.

The suggested donation for the retreat weekend is $200, and partially subsidizes the cost of the retreat, such as food, lodging and supplies. Do not let a financial issue stand in the way of your participation in the retreat. We have launched a scholarship fund that will cover some attendees. Completing this registration form does not require payment. 

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The suggested donation for the retreat is $200. The donation covers the basic expenses from food to lodging. Do not let financial difficulties stand in the way of your participation in the retreat. Talk to one of the Emmaus brothers or contact us to make arrangements.  

Please pay by:
Credit or Debit card: Through our Parish's Faith Direct account

- Drop a check at the church office (weekdays).
Give a Check to one of the Men in the White Emmaus Shirts at church (weekends).
Please make checks payable to MHOC. In the memo line please specify "Men's Emmaus Retreat".

You will receive a receipt for your donation.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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