RSVP for Yog at GSSC(
अथ योगानुशासनम् : Time for Yoga Discipline(regular time commitment). 
Classes: Saturdays, 10:00-11:30am. The class outline and shared material can be found here 
1. GSSC : 4221 Las Positas Road, Livermore, CA 94551
2. Zoom:  (id - 2410824108/24108)

Intro: (YouTube)
There are three types of Yog.
1. हठयोग, Physiological Yog - Originated from Lord Shiva. Asana/Pranayama focused.
2. राजयोग, Psychological Yog - Originated from Lord Brahma. Dhyan/Contemplation focused.
3. सामाजिक योग, Sociological yog - Originated from Lord Vishnu and promoted by Lord Ram and Krishna.  Karma through right Gyan and Bhakti focused.
Pragya Yog is a unique blend of all 3, having Yog-Yagya-Gayatri. Yog has Asana/Pranayam, Yagya has social and ecological wellbeing, Gayatri is the mantra meditation. It is the most effective form of yog for this age.

Five Steps Daily Routine:
1. (5 min)Wake up/Sleep: Atma Bodh - Tatva Bodh Sandhya - हर रात नयी मौत, हर सुबह नया जन्म . One Day One life. Agile method of spirituality. Daily planning and retro.
2. (2 min)Morning Cleanse: Let go of the past: Usha Pan - Kati Mardanasana - Cleanse inside out like a newborn.
3. (50 min)Flex my body: Pragya Yog  and other asanas
4. (15 min)Flex my identity and prana: Pranayam & Gayatri Meditation to awaken & empower the global me  (Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodhah, Ayam Atma Brahm)
5. (10 min)Flex my karma: Yagya to kick off my larger self. (Yogaha karmasu kaushalam, Yagyo Vai Shreshtam Karmah)

Items for the class:
A) Yoga Mat
B) One Diya
C) One Mala

WhatsApp for interactive discussions 

Alternate Fremont location in-person class:
Dinesh Agarwal +1 (408) 205-0110
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