MY Leaders Program Application
Please provide the information to the best of your abilities and thank you for your interest in the MY Leaders Program at MY Project USA.

In this program you would be a representative of your community. You will participate in leadership trainings, as well as community service events in your community. You will attend meetings with elected officials and  influential people to advocate for your community's needs and causes that you will work at. 
Meetings will take place once week at your school and on Saturdays 10 am - 2pm. Eligible youth will be able to earn stipends for joining this program.

Please apply no later than Feb 25, 2023 (THERE ARE ONLY 35 OPENINGS, IT IS FIRST COME FIRST SERVE)
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Email *
Phone Number?  *
Grade *
Gender *
What school do you attend? *
Why do you want to apply to this program? *
What makes you a good fit for this program? *
How do you think this program will benefit you? *
How did you learn about this program? *
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