Spay and Neuter Clinic Wait-list
NOTICE: Current wait time to schedule an appointment after waitlist submission is 4-6 months

The Sacramento SPCA Spay and Neuter Clinic is working hard to schedule appointments in a timely manner.

To place your name on our "WAIT-LIST" for Dog and Cat spay/neuter appointments, please enter your information in the following prompts. The wait-list will store your place in line and ensure you get an appointment as quickly as possible.

Upon completion of this form, please ensure your email address is correct since this will be our main form of contact.

Please submit only one request. Appointments are scheduled on a first come first served basis so multiple wait-list requests will not speed up the process of appointments being released.

Once additional surgery appointments become available, we will email you an appointment request link to schedule your actual spay/neuter appointment on a day that works in your schedule.

If you have any questions, please email us at

We are currently not able to schedule rabbit spay or neuter appointments. See Sacramento House Rabbit Society for a list of potential resources. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

For fees, please visit:

Please be sure to get the best estimate for your dogs weight before making the appointment for your dog(s). Some examples of getting the best estimate of your dogs weight are:

-Weighing yourself on a scale, then weighing yourself whilst holding your dog on the same scale, and subtract both weights

-Weigh your dog at your regular veterinarian

-If your dog needs vaccines, you can visit our Vaccine Clinic (by appointment only) and ask for a weight for your dog. You can make a Vaccine Clinic appointment here:

Average weights for common breeds (adult):
Pitbull: 60 lbs - 90 lbs
German Shepherd Dog: 45 lbs - 90 lbs
Siberian Husky: 40 lbs - 60 lbs
Labrador and Golden Retrievers: 50 lbs - 80 lbs
Bulldog: 40 lbs - 60 lbs
Chihuahua: 3 lbs - 10 lbs
Yorkshire Terrier: 4 lbs - 8 lbs

Please note that on the day of your appointment, if your pet does not match the description provided (i.e. breed, sex, weight, age, etc.), the Sacramento SPCA Spay and Neuter Clinic reserves the right to deny service.

Please note our age restrictions:
Dogs and Cats have to be 3 months to 7 years of age

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
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Email *
Today's Date *
Please use date picker.
Full Name *
Primary Phone Number *
Format 999-888-7777
Physical Address *
For how many animals do you need an appointment? *
What is the species of your animal(s)? *
What age range does your animal(s) fall under? *
How many are male? *
How many are female? *
If you have a dog, about how much do they weight?
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