Sunderland to Kyiv  2500K Challenge   
A campaign organised by local charity Sunderland for Ukraine to raise £2500 initially during February to purchase a generator and other equipment for schools in Ukraine. 

Sunderland For Ukraine Fundraiser  -  Walk, Cycle , Run , Row, Swim  + more
Complete this form to register for the challenge and get a participants information pack.   

Do a fund raising activity
Fundraising activities can be walking the dog, running, cycling, swimming -  its up to you!  
We hope to gets lots of people involved, so even if you do a 3K walk every little helps. 
Equally you can pledge to raise an amount starting from £3 (e.g. for a 3K walk or Park Run). Of course the more we raise the better.

Use the form below to register your interest in taking part. 

Make a donation  If you would prefer to support by making a donation go to our Go Fund Me page. 

Have Fun, Enjoy Your Challenge !! 

Thankyou for your interest and support.  

Sunderland For Ukraine 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name  *
Email contact *
Challenge Activity *
Activity Venue  *
How many KM do you pledge cover for the challenge?  *
How much money do you hope to raise for this challenge? (We hope to raise an average of  £1 per KM pledged to hit our target)  *
I except the terms and conditions for participating. Terms:  Ukraine for Sunderland accepts no liability for activities undertaken for the challenge. Individuals taking part should carefully assess any risks and ensure the safety of their planned activity and participate at their own risk.     *
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