summerSPARK 2024 Registration Form
Now serving children between the ages of 5 to 12!

Please submit the following information to begin the registration process for your child. If submitting for multiple children, please complete the form for each child.

Once we receive this initial submission, we will follow up with gathering more specific information regarding payment and immunization records. Let us know if you have any questions at

IMPORTANT: Your child's seat in the summerSPARK camp(s) is not secured until payment is received.
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Parent First and Last name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone Number *
Child First and Last Name *
Child Age *
What is your child's current grade level?
What school does your child currently attend? *
Does your child have any learning, developmental, or behavioral concerns previously identified by a parent, doctor, educator, or caregiver? *
I verify that my child is 100% potty trained and able to independently communicate and perform toileting. *
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