CCS-A: Testimonials and Feedback

At Classical Charter Schools of America, we value the insights and experiences of our parents and students. Your feedback is crucial in helping us understand what makes our school special. We invite you to share what you love about our community, your experiences with our teachers, and how our programs have positively impacted your family. Please share your thoughts in writing and, if you’re comfortable, record a short video testimonial.

Please note that your testimonials may be featured on our website or in other promotional materials to assist prospective families in making informed decisions about enrolling in our school. We appreciate your support in helping us showcase the wonderful experiences at Classical Charter Schools of America!

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Which campus do you/ does your child attend?
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What grade are you/ is your child in?
What is your relationship to the school?
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What do you love most about Classical Charter Schools of America?  
How has your experience been with our teachers and staff?  
How has our unique curriculum benefited your/ your child’s education?  
Any additional feedback/ comments/ suggestions?
Would you be willing to record a short video testimonial?  
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