Texas Lesson Study (TXLS) Curriculum-based PLC Implementation Support Interest Form
This short survey asks questions regarding PLC support needs as well as interest in receiving grant-funded support through Region 11's Texas Lesson Study curriculum-based PLC program. To learn more about Region 11's PLC services, please visit https://www.esc11.net/TXLS.

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District and/or Campus *
First and Last Name *
Role *
What curriculum and instructional materials does this campus (and/or district) currently use in each content area? (Examples: Amplify RLA, Eureka Math, SAVVAS, HMH etc.) *
Problem-solving PLCs

To what extent are high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) currently utilized during PLCs? Check Yes, Somewhat, or Not Yet for each item listed. 

Not Yet
Teachers internalize and annotate HQIM using specific protocols.
Teachers complete PLC pre-work, such as taking assessments for the unit or lessons, previewing texts, working out problems, etc.
Teachers use the embedded supports in HQIM and also adapt or customize materials as needed to meet specific needs of students.

What specific support or training do PLC teams feel would enhance their ability to effectively internalize (and use) instructional materials? (Check all that apply.)


To what extent do educators gather and share feedback on the effectiveness of instructional materials within PLC sessions? (Check Yes, Somewhat, or Not Yet for each item listed.) 

Not Yet
Teachers analyze and reflect on student work regularly to determine next steps for instruction and further internalization of materials.
Teachers engage in lesson rehearsal.
Teachers film student-centered clips of a lesson to review and reflect on during PLC.

To what extent does campus leadership (may include principals, assistant principals, and/or instructional coaches) actively participate in and support PLC meetings? Check all that apply.


What training do campus leaders need to better support the internalization of instructional materials discussed during PLC sessions? What else does our team need to know in order to best support and customize PLC services on your campus?


How receptive is campus leadership to participating in Region 11 Texas Lesson Study curriculum-based PLCs to enhance the internalization and usage of HQIM? (Scale of 0-3 - 0 = Not interested at all; 1 = I am somewhat interested and unsure if this support is right for my campus at this time; 2 = I am curious about what support looks like in partnership with R11 and would like to set up a meeting sometime in the near future. 3 = I am ready to get started and would like to set up a collaborative meeting as soon as possible to create a customized plan to elevate campus PLCs.

Not interested at all
I am ready to get started and would like to set up a collaborative meeting as soon as possible to create a customized plan to elevate campus PLCs.
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