PMOHA Team Sponsor Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a PMOHA team sponsor. Please read the following.

1. New team sponsorships are offered on a three year term as outlined in the Team Sponsorship Agreement.

2. Sponsorship fees are: $3,000 for year one, $1,000 in year two and $1,000 in year three (Total of $5,000). These fees include team jerseys and upkeep. Dependant on team colours and potential conflicts, a 2nd jersey may also be required

3. Being a team sponsor does not afford you any special dispensation as a player. On ice decisions are made independent of a players status as a team sponsor.

4. Sponsorships are not transferable from one business to the other. Sponsorship is based on the selected company only.

5. Team sponsorship is considered a business relationship between your company and the PMOHA.

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