2020 TSI/NTI Exit Ticket
Please use this form to evaluate your experience in each session you attend
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Session Name (Please choose from the menu provided) *
How helpful was this session for you? *
Not Very Helpful
Extremely Helpful
What grade level(s) do you serve? *
How aligned was the session in: *
Not Aligned
Slightly Aligned
Very Aligned
Extremely Aligned
Meeting it's stated objectives/purpose
Introducing new information
Affirming what I already knew
Provoking thoughtful ideas on actionable next steps I can take to improve my practice
The facilitator: *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Used engaging remote learning methods
Was responsive to my adult learning needs
Had a comprehensive knowledge of their content
Provoked thoughtful ideas on actionable next steps I can take to improve my practice
Was aware of the dynamics of power, race, class, gender and adjusted facilitation accordingly in our classroom
I plan to apply what I learned to my work by … (Please provide concrete examples)
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