EVO Minecraft MOOC 2019 Registration
Please fill in this form to register as a participant in EVO Minecraft 2019. You must fill out this form  if you wish to be white-listed on the EVOMC19 server. Completing this form plus joining the EVO Minecraft MOOC Google+ Community serve as your enrollment in this EVO 2018 session.

Please fill in the form even if you have filled out a similar form previously. EVO likes to keep records of how many participants there are in EVO sessions year to year, and this our main means of providing that information with respect to EVO Minecraft MOOC.

If you are not ready with an answer to any question, you can leave it blank. If you need to change something later, you can try to edit your previous submission, or you could just create a new entry and we'll find and remove your previous one from the database.

We would like to make you aware that the data you provide here will appear in a database which is shared with anyone with the link. Our purpose in doing this is to facilitate wider collaboration among community members.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your real name? *
What is your Google+ Community name? *
What country should we say you are from? (to help us understand our demographics and better accommodate your time zone) *
What is your interest in Minecraft MOOC? *
If you are a student or professional educator, what is the name of your school or institution?
Have you introduced yourself to our Google+ community at http://tinyurl.com/evomc19 ? *
Please provide the link to your introduction to our G+ Community? (Here's how, https://www.screencast.com/t/LaQkiEdT)
Have you purchased your Minecraft login name from Mojang? *
What is your Minecraft login name? (We need this in order to whitelist you on our server)
How do you rate your level in Minecraft? *
What is your experience in EVO? *
What is the link we should visit to find your reflections on your learning through Minecraft?
What is your Twitter username?
What is your Skype ID?
What is your Discord ID?
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