Questionnaire for participants
*** Participation is for individuals who already hold or used to hold accounts on website(s) as explained below.***

Thank you for taking part in my PhD project. I research websites dedicated to enable users to plan their online activity and presence after death. These are websites that offer features such as sending email messages to friends and family after death, and that are designed for users to plan *their own* presence online after their passing.

All data reported as part of this thesis will be anonymous and will not enable to trace participants.

All information given in this form will only be used by me, and will be integrated into my PhD thesis and reports of it (such as research publications and conference presentations).

Completing and sending this questionnaire means that you’re happy for me to use your answers for my project as above described.
If at any point you wish to withdraw from participation please contact me at:
Please feel free to contact me for any other questions.

For further information please visit:   
To see my page on LSE visit:       
Thank you!

Paula Kiel,
PhD candidate,
London School of Economics and Political Science
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What is your age? *
What is your current country of residence? *
What is your current city of residence? *
Which main website/s for planning digital activity after death do you use (or used in the past)? (examples:;;;; *
Please list below the URL(s) of additional website designed for planning digital activity after death that you use (or have used in the past) *
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