Zo Tobi Coaching • Session recap form
Hey! I made this session recap form you can use to capture your takeaways and action plans after our sessions.

• You'll get a copy of your responses by email afterward.
• If you'd like, feel free to copy/paste your responses to (or from) a Word or Google Doc.
• These prompts intentionally follow a very particular format of our coaching model:

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Email *
First & last name *
I looked at:
What topic(s) did you focus on in this session?
I saw:
What did you discern, that you hadn't discerned prior to this session?
I told the truth that:
State the objective facts (vs. opinions or interpretations). Tip: Focus on anything *you yourself* did or didn't do.
I promise to:
What small sweet step(s) are you willing to take next? By when? What support will you put in place so that you can be successful?
Anything else you want to say?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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