Sonshine Club Volunteer Application
Hi there!

Thank you for expressing your interest to serve with the Children's Ministry :)

We will need some details from you to process your application.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Children's Ministry
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Email *
Full Name *
Mobile Number *
Last 4 characters of NRIC/FIN *
i.e. 123A
Gender *
Are you a member of Gospel Light? *
Areas of Interest *
Please feel free to select more than one role & we will work with you to see what will be a good fit for you :)

Age Groups
- Playgroup: 12 months to 35 months
- Preschool: 36 months to 6 years
- Primary: 7 years to 12 years
Captionless Image
Background Checks
As you will be volunteering with children, we seek your kind understanding that we need to be thorough & stringent in our background checks. Please note that your declaration will be kept private & confidential. Thank you :)
1. Are you currently smoking or vaping? *
2. Are you currently abusing substances (drugs, glue-sniffing, etc.)? *
3. Are you currently involved in habitual gambling? *
4. Do you have any other habits/lifestyle that will compromise your serving in Children's Ministry (cohabitation, adultery, pre-marital sex, etc.)? *
5. Are you a homosexual or do you have any homosexual tendancies? *
6. Have you viewed pornography in the past 6 months? *
7. Have you ever been convicted in a court of law in any country? *
8. Are you currently under investigation for a crime? *
9. Are you a paedophile? *
10. Have you ever been involved in, accused, charged or convicted of any act of child molestation, child exploitation or child abuse? *
If you have answered Yes to any of the above questions, please share more details with us here. *
Please type "NIL" if you have answered "No" to all the above questions.
Reference Checks
Please share with us details of two people whom we may approach for references. If you belong to a Care Group or Discipleship Group, please have one of your referees as your CG/DG Leader. Please avoid having persons related to you as your referee (spouse, siblings, etc.)
Referee #1 *
Please share the following details:
  1. Referee's name
  2. Referee's mobile number
  3. Referee's relationship to you
  4. Number of years known
Referee #2 *
Please share the following details:
  1. Referee's name
  2. Referee's mobile number
  3. Referee's relationship to you
  4. Number of years known
  1. I have read the church's Child Protection Policy & agree to abide by its terms.
  2. I agree to nurture & protect children & never to engage in any behaviour that harms them.
  3. I agree to do my best to prevent abuse & neglect among children involved in church services & activities.
  4. In the event that I observe or hear of any inappropriate behaviours involving children or any Child Protection Policy violations, I agree to immediately report my observations.
  5. If I am called up for investigation for any criminal offence during the course of my volunteer work at Gospel Light, I will inform the Children's Ministry Leader immediately.
  6. I understand that the church will not tolerate abuse or other harm of children & I agree to comply in spirit & action with this position.
  7. I declare that the information in this application for volunteer work are true to the best of my knowledge & I have not wilfully suppressed any material fact. I accept that if any of the information given by me in this application is in any way false or incorrect, I may be disqualified or dismissed from volunteer service.
I agree with the 7 statements in the declaration above.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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