Registration "The Polarity Party"        
Thanks for your interest in this event!
Registration is free, but necessary for artists and organizers to better prepare the event.

For more information, contact Julia Barjau ( and Silvia Randazzo ( This event is organized in collaboration with the European Forum for Restorative Justice (Belgium) which will organize its 11th "Justice Beyond Borders" international conference in Sassari on 23-25 ​​June 2022 (, in partnership with the Restorative Justice Practices Team of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sassari. The event is funded by Perform Europe and is part of a European tour in Romania (Bucharest), Poland (Poznan) and Italy (Sassari).

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Name and family name *
Year of birth
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Profession and organisation
We ask you to share your profession (for example, artist, educator, etc.) and the organization you work for, to report the event to our sponsor. If you prefer not to answer, simply write "n.a.                                                                                                    
Telephone number
Your email and telephone number will be used exclusively to contact you about this event, or other events on the same subject by the University of Sassari, and will not be shared with third parties.                                                                                    
Why are you interested in this event?
ATTENTION! You will not simply be a public observer. The event "The Polarity Party" integrates both the practices of choreography and those of conflict, inviting participants to have an intimate experience and personal reflection and using physical action as a means to reorganize ideas and make visible the thoughts of everyone.                                                               o.
The event is accessible to all and does not require any physical skills.
I confirm I am more more than 14 years old. *
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