Application to become an Advisor to the Teach First NZ Board of Trustees
The Kairapu Advisor role would suit someone that has been through the flagship Teach First NZ programme who would like to have a big influence on Teach First NZ’s strategic direction as we seek to increase our reach and scale, to maximise our impact for young people in New Zealand.

It would be of interest to someone interested in learning about the governance and management of a medium-sized charity, and keen to learn from the senior leaders we are lucky to have guiding the Trust. The successful Kairapu will need to be able to contribute enough time and focus to the role to ensure they are maximising their contribution.

Please make sure you have read the following Position Description before completing your application:

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Your name *
Why are you interested in being an advisor to the Teach First NZ Board of Trustees *
What is your vision for Teach First NZ? How would you like to influence that work that we do? *
How will you ensure that you are able to effectively reflect the views of the participant and alumni network? *
In what ways do you meet the requirements and competencies required for the role? *
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