GaDOE Social Studies Resource Feedback Form
This form is designed to provide feedback regarding a specific GaDOE Social Studies resource.  Please complete a separate feedback form for each activity/resource that you are reviewing.
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Email *
District and School Name
Please provide specific feedback regarding a single resource.  
Which grade level/course is the resource? *
Which type of resource are you providing feedback for? *
1 point
Title of the Activity *
1 point
How did this resource work in your classroom? *
Please be specific so it is clear what worked in the activity/lesson and what could be adjusted or modified. You might want to type your response in a text program and paste it here when you are done.
How would you rate the effectiveness of this resource based on your experience with it? *
Need Considerable Revision/Removal
Exceeded Expectations
Thank you for your response!
The Social Studies Department at the GaDOE values your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to participate in our #GAsocialstudies community.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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