College Station ISD Transportation Registration
Bus Registration Information

This form with any corrections noted will serve as your child's request for bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year. Check the appropriate bus option below, sign and submit this form.
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student ID *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Alternate/Emergency Contact Name *
Physical Address (If your address and/or contact information changes at any time, please complete a new Bus Registration Form.  *
City, State and Zip *
Primary Phone *
Alternate Phone *
Please review the following bus options and complete as needed. 

My Child will ride the bus for the (pick one):
Assigned Campus *
Student's Grade Level *
Your child will not be transported until this form and the section below is completed and provided to the Transportation Department. 
If your child is 2nd grade and below, a hand off is required at the bus stop in the afternoon to ensure the student's safety after offloading. The parent/guardian or designee must be at the bus stop with a picture ID. The parent/guardian must select from the options below as to who is authorized to receive the student at the bus stop in the afternoon. 
Head Start, Pre-K, and Kindergarten students must be met by an an adult.  Kindergarten students may also be escorted off the bus by a 3rd grade or older sibling, but may not get off by themselves.
1st and 2nd grade students may be let off without an adult present if a waiver has been signed by a parent or guardian.
Check selection that applies *
If option 2 is selected above, please continue.
Name of alternate designees below (separate names with commas):
Digital signature *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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