External Irradiation Request Form
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Email *
Name *
Phone number
Why do you want to do this project? *
How many samples do you have? *
What kind of radiation exposure is required? *
What is the approximate isotopic composition of your sample(s)? *
 Put N/A if doing gamma/beta irradiation.
Give a physical description of your sample(s) *
What is the mass/volume of your sample(s)? 
This is good information to have, but we only have strict size requirements for neutron irradiations.
Are there any hazards or other dangers associated with your sample(s), if so what are they?
What is the timeframe for completing this irradiation? *
Do you want your samples to be returned to you? *
Do you want NAA to be done on your sample, if so what isotope(s) are you looking for? *
 Put N/A if doing gamma/beta irradiation.
Other notes:
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