2022 CMX Speaker Application

Thanks for your interest in speaking at CMX Summit: Thrive!

Our speakers make CMX events truly special. We look for great speakers who have truly unique perspectives on community. All speakers must be non-biased, non-promotional, and have experience in the area that they speak about.

We are now considering applications for CMX Summit 2022, September 13-15. We will close this form on Friday, June 17 at 5pm PT. You will hear back on applications by Wednesday, July 6.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name (First and Last) *
Your Job Title *
Your Job Title and Company *
Your Location (City, State, Country) *
Are you interested in speaking in-person in California, USA? *
Voluntary: Please specify your ethnicity/race (this is to ensure we have diversity on our stage!)
What community topic(s) do you want to talk about? *
Topic Title *
Topic Abstract *
What is the lesson and framework you want attendees to walk away with? Limited to 1,500 characters.
Your Speaker Bio *
Short bio about yourself using third person and your relevant experience in 600 characters or less.
LinkedIn URL *
Please list any past speaking experience *
List each experience, and includes links of videos of you speaking & your slideshare, if you have them.
Why do you want to speak at CMX Summit? *
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