MemeSwap Beta Registration
MEME Presale Holders Holding More than $500 worth of tokens, will be eligible to trade on MemeSwap Beta. Please note insurance services will not be active but will automatically activate after the "Insured Tag" appears on the token you purchase via MemeSwap (This will be after Memereum Token Launches). 

Insurance Policy Criteria: Please Visit: Memereum Insurance for our Insurance Policy.

MemeSwap will be available to the general public with no minimum balance in the future for the full release.
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Your BSC/ETH Wallet Address:  *
Disclaimer: By selecting I accept, I confirm I have read the Terms & Condition of Memereum and Agree That By Misusing the MemeSwap Beta Platform My Account may be blacklisted until Public Launch. I also confirm I hold more than $500 or more worth of Memereum Tokens. Failure to Follow Instructions Will Result In My Application Being Rejected. *
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