Stay Giveaway
Please fill out this form to receive one entry in our annual FREE stay giveaway. Have a chance to win 2 nights FREE at one of the BNBs from a featured host*

Please CLICK HERE if you are a HOST
Email *
First and Last Name *
Your most ideal day to vacation? *
Where are you visiting from? City, State, Country *
Where would you like to vacation?  City, State, Country *
What are you interested in more, when staying at a BNB? *
What is your favorite amenity at your other BNB stays? If this is your first stay at a BNB, please answer (N/A) *
I would like to receive special offers and updates from the Near My BNB & BNB Life *
* Two night FREE stay details
In order to be considered for the two night free stay the following criteria must be met:
  • you must check the box "yes" about receiving special offers and updates from Near My BNB and BNB Life
  • the two nights of stay are free but there is still a cleaning fee for your stay
  • if your stay exceeds past 2 days:
- the cleaning fee is subjected to be higher, depending on BNB hosts discretion 
- all additional days will be subjected to cost of average night per stay, depending on BNB hosts discretion 
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