Reading Recommendations
Are you looking for something new to read? Let us help. Tell us a little bit about what you have read in the past, and what you like, and we will create a custom list of 5 books just for you. We'll even put them on hold for you.
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Library Card Number
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Share the titles, authors, genres, and types of books you like. *
Why do you like the above listed authors, genres, and types of books? (Example: I like books with endings that surprise me.) *
Are there any subjects or authors that you don't like? *
Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? *
Who will be reading? (Choose all that apply) *
If this is for a child, what is the age or grade level?
Which item format do you prefer?  (Choose all that apply) *
Would you like us to place the items we select for you on hold? If no, we will email the list to you. *
If you would like the items placed on hold, which library do you use? (Pick one)
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